One of the most common use of JSON is to fetch JSON data from a web server (as a file or as an HttpRequest), convert the JSON data to a JavaScript object, and then it uses the data in a web page.
For simplicity, this can be demonstrated by using a string as input (instead of a file).
JSON Example - Object From String
Create a JavaScript string containing JSON syntax:
Since JSON syntax is a subset of JavaScript syntax, the JavaScript function eval() can be used to convert a JSON text into a JavaScript object.
The eval() function uses the JavaScript compiler which will parse the JSON text and produce a JavaScript object. The text must be wrapped in parenthesis to avoid a syntax error
var obj = eval ("(" + txt + ")");
Use the JavaScript object in your page:
First Name: <span id="fname"></span><br />
Last Name: <span id="lname"></span><br />
The eval() function can compile and execute any JavaScript. This represents a potential security problem.
It is safer to use a JSON parser to convert a JSON text to a JavaScript object. A JSON parser will recognize only JSON text and will not compile scripts.
In browsers that provide native JSON support, JSON parsers are also faster.
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