if(isset($_GET['pg'])){ $pg=(int)$_GET['pg']; }else{ $pg=1; } // i want to show 16 row on a page, so the limit is also 16 $start_from=($pg-1)*16; $img_sql="SELECT * FROM image_table WHERE collection_ID=$cid LIMIT $start_from,16"; // your sql query here $res=mysql_query($img_sql) // query execution, use mysqli_query() // instead of mysql_query(); or die("Selection failed !".mysql_error()); $count_query=mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM image_table WHERE collection_ID=$cid") or die("Count query failed !".mysql_error()); // find out the total existing record on database table $total_row=mysql_fetch_array($count_query); $total_record=$total_row[0]; $total_pages=ceil($total_record/16); // for showing the pagination link on your page this code //will visulize the link echo "<div style='float:right; margin:-8px 25px 0px auto;'>"; for ($i=1; $i<=$total_pages; $i++) { echo "<a style='color:orange' href='newcollection.php?pg=".$i."&cid=".$cid."'> <strong>".$i."</strong> </a> "; }; echo "</div>"; ?>
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