Create a simple MySQL stored routine to calculate bonus on sales revenue
Question: Create a MySQL stored routine to calculate bonus for the employees (sales persons) on his/her sales.
drop table if exists sales;
create table sales(
id int(10) primary key auto_increment,
employee_id varchar(10) not null,
revenue decimal(10,2) not null,
trans_on datetime
#some sample records
insert into sales(employee_id,revenue,trans_on)values('100',100,now());
insert into sales(employee_id,revenue,trans_on)values('100',700,now());
insert into sales(employee_id,revenue,trans_on)values('101',300,now());
insert into sales(employee_id,revenue,trans_on)values('101',500,now());
insert into sales(employee_id,revenue,trans_on)values('102',300,now());
insert into sales(employee_id,revenue,trans_on)values('102',200,now());
insert into sales(employee_id,revenue,trans_on)values('102',900,now());
drop function if exists calculate_bonus;
delimiter //
create function calculate_bonus(emp_id char
)returns decimal(10,2)
declare total decimal(10,2);
declare bonus decimal(10,2);
select sum(revenue) into total from sales where employee_id=emp_id;
set bonus=total*0.05;
return bonus;
delimiter ;
Import my_db.sql and calculate bonus
1. Save the above code to any drive e.g. d:my_db.sql
2. login to mysql server with the command prompt
C:>mysql -u root -p
3. To import my_db.sql file to mysql server write the following command:
mysql>source d:my_db.sql
4. To call calculate_bonus() routine and calculate bonus for the employees 100 and 102 write the following command:
mysql>select calculate_bonus('100');
mysql>select calculate_bonus('102');
Call MySQL stored function by PHP
$db=new mysqli("localhost","root","","test");
$table=$db->query("select calculate_bonus('$emp_id')");
echo $bonus;
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