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Black seed is a powerful healing seed with so many benefits that you will be amazed;

the-cure-for-everything-but The Cure for Everything But Death: Black Seed. Among many other things it stimulates dying beta cells of patients suffering from diabetic pancreas disease, it heals a human body poisoned by chemical weapons and it kills MRSA. This precious seed has been researched as a remedy for many health conditions. Black seed has shown incredible results in preventing or curing following conditions: Diabetes (type 2): Fasting glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in your body is reduced after consuming only 2 grams of black seed a day. It also increases beta cell function while it decreases insulin resistance. Helicobacter Pylori Infection: Anticonvulsant properties of black seed were traditionally known. Some health conditions that are refractory to modern drugs such is epilepsy, a 2007 study has shown that seizure activity is significantly reduced when patients drank water extract from black seed. High Blood Pressure: Those suffering from this condition can lower their blood pressure in 2 months, if during that period twice a day they use 100 and 200 mg of black seed extract. Asthma: Experiment has been done over animal model of asthma, and it clearly showed that Nigella sativa (black cumin) with its main active ingredient thymoquinone is far more superior than conventional drug used today – fluticasone. While another experiment this time in humans has confirmed the fact that drinking boiled water with extract of black seed will have powerful effect as antiasthmatic and asthmatic airways. Acute tonsillopharyngitis: This mostly viral disease in origin which is actually pharyngeal inflammation (sore throat) and it’s characterized by tonsil, can be successfully treated with black seed capsules (combined with Phyllanthus niruri) and it results in reduced throat pain so there are no need for pain-killers. Injury from Chemical Weapons: Many respiratory symptoms are reduced to those patient injured from chemical weapons, while drinking boiled water with black seed extract. It has also reduced chest wheezing; patients need for drug treatment and test values of pulmonary function. This result is achieved in a placebo-controlled, randomized human study. Colon Cancer: Colon cancer growth can be suppressed much more successfully with black seed extract than with conventional drug chemo agent 5-fluorouracil which is not that safe to use. Another animal research has shown that inhibitory effects of the black seed oil are very significant when applied over rats with colon cancer, while at same time having no harming side effects. MRSA: Anti-bacterial properties of black seed have been confirmed in activities against Staphylococcus aureus which is resistant to clinical isolates of methicillin. Withdrawal/Opiate Addiction: Black seed has been proven successful as a therapy in treatment over 35 opiate addicts who had a long period of opiate dependence.

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Zinia Islam
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