Question:You create a Microsoft ASP.NET application by using the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5. The application
consumes a Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service.
The WCF service exposes the following method:

     string UpdateCustomerDetails(string custID);

The application hosts the WCF service by using the following code segment:
    WebServiceHost host = new WebServiceHost(typeof(CService), new Uri("http://win/"));
    ServiceEndpoint ep = host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(ICService),
    new WebHttpBinding(), "");

You need to invoke the UpdateCustomerDetails method.
Which code segment should you use? 

A WebChannelFactory wcf = new WebChannelFactory(new Uri("http://
ICService channel = wcf.CreateChannel();
string s = channel.UpdateCustomerDetails("CustID12"); 

B WebChannelFactory wcf = new WebChannelFactory(new Uri("http://
ICService channel = wcf.CreateChannel();
string s = channel.UpdateCustomerDetails("CustID12"); 

C ChannelFactory cf = new ChannelFactory(new WebHttpBinding(),
"http://win/UpdateCustomerDetails") ;
ICService channel = cf.CreateChannel();
string s = channel.UpdateCustomerDetails("CustID12"); 

D ChannelFactory cf = new ChannelFactory(new BasicHttpBinding(),
cf.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new WebHttpBehavior());
ICService channel = cf.CreateChannel();
string s = channel.UpdateCustomerDetails("CustID12"); 

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