1. Question:What is the main benefit of using Ajax? 

    The main benefit of using Ajax are mention bellow:
    a. AJAX is a technique for creating fast and dynamic web pages.
    b.AJAX allows to update parts of a web page, without reloading the whole page.
    c. AJAX applications are browser- and platform-independent.

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  2. Question:What are the parameters of open method of XMLHttpRequest object? 

    The parameters of open method of XMLHttpRequest object are :
    method: The HTTP method used to open the connection,such as -GET,POST,PUT,HEAD,or PROPFIND
    URL: The requested URL
    asyncFlag: A boolean value indicating whether the call is asynchronous.
    userName: The user name
    password: The password

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  3. Question:What are the functions of responseText and responseXML properties? 


    ResponseText holds the response body as a string.Which function is read-only.

    ResponseXML holds the response body as XML.This function is also read-only.

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  4. Question:What are the values of readyState property? 

    0 uninitialized
    1 loading
    2 loaded
    3 interactive
    4 complete

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  5. Question:Why status property is used? 

    The Status property indicates the combined values of the operation and error status code. The Status property for each Field can be used to determine why the Field was not added, modified, or deleted.

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