1. Question:What are the issues to consider when sending file attachments in your mail? 

    - Attachments should not contain executable (.exe) files.
    - Attachments should not contain virus.
    - File size should be less than the declared file size in email

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  2. Question:Write down basic parts of a computer. 

    - Central processing unit (CPU)
    - Memory and Storage: RAM, ROM-BIOS, Disks
    - Input and output devices

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  3. Question:Write down factors those affect computer performance. 

    - CPU speed: The computer's processor speed governs how fast the CPU will run. The higher the CPU speed the faster the computer will work.
    - RAM size: Computer keeps all its working files in RAM while working. So larger the RAM size is, the more comfortable and faster computer can perform.
    - Graphics card processor and memory: To display what user wants, computer uses its graphics card. If the graphics card memory is little bit lower than the graphics card shares the RAM to complete its task.
    - Number of applications running: Windows is a multitasking system, which means that it can run more than one program at a time.

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