1. Question:What loops are used when parallelize your application? 

    Two loops parallel. For () and Parallel. ForEach () are used at the time of parallelized our application.

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  2. Question:What are the functions Task wait () and Task wait all () methods? 

    Task. Wait () and Task. WaitAll () methods allow us to pause the flow of execution until the tasks have completed their work.

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  3. Question:What is PLINQ? 

    PLINQ is the parallelized version of LINQ to objects and supports all existing LINQ operators and functionality with a few new options for fine-grained control of parallelization functionality.

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  4. Question:What is the function of Barrier class? 

    The Barrier class allows us to synchronize threads at a specific point.

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  5. Question:When will you use SpinLock? 

    SpinLock forces program to loop until it can obtain and lock access to particular resource.

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