1. Question:Write any five features of HTML5. 

    Five features of HTML5 are given below :

    A.    Canvas
    B.    Cross-document messaging
    C.    Drag and drop
    D.    Embedding of Scalable Vector Graphics(SVG) directly in HTML
    E.    Geolocation

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  2. Question:What are Inline element and Block-level element? 


    Inline element
    – Inline elements mostly describe brief strings of text and may include other inline elements.

    Block-level elements – A block-level element may contain most other block-level elements and all inline elements. Block-level elements occupy at least one full line when rendering, while inline elements take up only as much space as their content requires.

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  3. Question:What are the basic data types of HTML5? 

    The basic data types of HTML5 are given bellow:
    A.    CDATA and id and name Attribute values
    B.    Character Encoding
    C.    Content types(MIME Types)
    D.    Language Codes
    E.    Link Types

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  4. Question:What is the function of manifest attribute of HTML element? 


    The application cache manifest lists the files an application needs to operate when disconnected the network. The browser saves a copy of the files when we access the site online.
        Syntax : <html manifest= “myapplication.manifest”>

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  5. Question:Meta element is useful for what purposes? 


    Meta elements typically called Meta tags in the head element. Meta specifies information about the current HTML document in a name value pair format, primarily for the benefits of browsers, search engine spiders and user agents.

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