1. Question:What is the function of jQuery? 

    jQuery is a new kind of JavaScript Library. It does perform so many different functions such as HTML document traversing, event handling, animating e.t.c.

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  2. Question:What are the three building blocks for selecting element used in jQuery? 

    Three building blocks while selection elements in a given document:
    A)	Tag Name     B) Tag ID     C) Tag Class

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  3. Question:Write the functions of hasClass and html methods. 

    hasClass(class): Returns true if the specified class is present on at least one of the set of matched elements.
    Html(): Get the html contents (innerHTML) of the first matched element.

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  4. Question:Which methods are used to add content before and inside of every matched element? 

    before(content) method is used to add content before each of the matched element.
    appendTo(Seloctor) method is used to inside append all of the matched elements to another, seicified set of element.

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  5. Question:What is the function of serializeArray() method? 

    serializeArray() method is a useful function for getting values of the form elements. This function turns all the elements into a JavaScript object.  Given example below….
     Var data = $(‘form:first’).serializeArray();

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