1. Question:What are the PHP's authentication variable? 

    PHP uses two authentication variables as follows:

    2. $_SERVER['PHP-AUTH-PW']
    These variables store the username and password values respectively.

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  2. Question:What are the benefits of using oop? 


    1.Shifts a major paradigm in development strategy.
    2.Shifts the programs procedural events to real life entites.
    3.Refocusing application data rather than it's logic.
    4.It gives the fundamental concept for creating powerful programming model.

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  3. Question:What are configuration directives and scopes? Write an example for each scope. 

    coming soon..

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  4. Question:Write all bitwise operators in term of PHP. 

    coming soon...

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  5. Question:What is datatype? Write variable scope with an example for each scope. 

    coming soon...

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