1. Question:What is x+ mode in fopen() used for? 

    Read/Write. Creates a new file. Returns FALSE and an error if file already exists

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  2. Question:How many ways you can read a file?

    We can read a file by using the following file modes :
               R, r+, w+, a+.

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  3. Question:How many ways you can read a file?


    We can read a file using the following methods and  modes:

    Methods: file(), file_get_contents(), fgetcsv(), fgets(), fgetss(), fgetc(), fread(), readfile(), fscanf().

    Modes: R, r+, w+, a+, x+.

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  4. Question:How many ways you can write into a file?


    We can write a file using the following method and modes:

    Method: fwrite() with fopen() and write mode, file_put_contents(),fputcsv(),fputs(),fputc().

    Modes: r+, W, w+,A,a+,X,x+.

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  5. Question:What are the technical difference between echo() and print() function? 

    The echo() function is a bit faster because it returns nothing, whereas print() will return 1 if the statement is successfully output.

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