1. Question:What is the functionality of the function strstr and stristr? 

    Ans:strstr: The strstr() function returns the remainder of a string beginning with the first occurrence of a predefined string.
    stristr: It is same as strstr except the search of for the pattern is case insensitive.

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  2. Question:What is the difference between ereg_replace() and eregi_replace()? 

    Ans: ereg_replace() function operates much like ereg() , except that its power iis extended to finding and replacing pattern with a replacement sting instead of simply locating it.
    Eregi_replace()  function operates exactly like ereg_replace, except that the search for pattern in string is not case sensitive.

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  3. Question:Difference between get and post method? 

    Ans: There are some differenc between GET and POST method. They are:
      ♦ GET method is used for submitting small amount of data. But POST method is used for submitting large amount of data.
      ♦   When we use GET method requested data show in url but not in POST method so , POST method  is good for sending sensitive request.

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  4. Question:What are the advantages of object-oriented programming? 

    The advantages of object-oriented programming are:
    The complexity of the software can be merged easily.
    The data hiding concept helps the programmer to build secure programs.
    Through class concept we can define the defined types
    New data and functions can be easily coded whenever necessary.pt we can define the user defined data types.

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  5. Question:What are magic methods in PHP? 

    Magic methods are the members functions that is available to all the instance of class Magic methods always starts with "__". Eg. 
    __construct All magic methods needs to be declared as public To use magic method they should be defined within the class or program scope Various Magic Methods used in PHP 5 are: __construct() __destruct() __set() __get() __call() __toString() __sleep() __wakeup() __isset() __unset() __autoload() __clone()

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