1. Question:Difference between get and post method?


    GET Method: get method is used for submitting small amount of data. Data shows in the URL, so it is not secure.
    POST Method: post method is used for submitting small amount of data. Data does not show URL, so it is  secure.

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  2. Question:What is super global variable? Write name of some superglobal variable?


    The super global variables are predefined variable in PHP.  These are accessible from anywhere within a substantial amount of environment specified information. 
    Name of some super global variable:-
    $_GET[], $_POST[], $_REQUEST[], $_SERVER[], $_SESSION[], $GLOBAL[], $_COOKE[], $_FILES[] and $_ENV[].

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  3. Question:What are constructor and destructor?


    Constructor: It is automatic object creation process. It can call class methods and can accept paramiters.
    Destructor: It is automatic object destruction process. We can use destructors to modify the object destruction process.

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  4. Question: What is the difference between print and printf?


    The difference of print and printf are as the print statement is used output data passed to it, but the printf statement is used to output a blend of static text and dynamic information stored within one or several variable.

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  5. Question:what is the difference between Exception::getMessage and Exception::getLine ? 

    Exception::getMessage lets us getting the Exception message and Exception::getLine lets us getting the line in which the exception occurred.

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