1. Question:Discuss the path aliases in YII? 

    Yii uses path aliases extensively. A path alias is associated with a directory or file path.       It is specified in dot syntax, similar to that of widely adopted namespace format: RootAlias.path.to.target                                                                                                               Link: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/1.0/en/basics.namespace

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  2. Question:Name the application types bundled with YII. 

    There are two application types bundled with Yii which are as follows:                                             
    1. Web application (CWebApplication)       
    2.  Console application (CconsoleApplication)            
    Both are extended from CApplication, so both console and web applications are sharing its components

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  3. Question:Name five important component names in YII.\ 

    1.	coreMessages
    2.	db
    3.	messages
    4.	errorHandler
    5.	cache
    6.	format

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  4. Question:classes Name some YII core collection. 

    1.	Lists: CList, CtypedList
    2.	 Maps: Cmap, CattributeCollection
    3.	 Queue: Cqueue
    4.	Stack: Cstack

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  5. Question:How can you configure URL rules in YII? 

    To configure URL rules we have to  add the below to our rules in protected/config/main.php:
    'home' => 'site/index',
    'page/<alias>' => 'site/page',
    Save the above changes and browse the following URLs:

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