This Methodology chapter contains the detailed methods and procedures of data collection. The study describes the study Area , Period, design and target population, inclusion criteria, exclusion criteria, sample size data collection tools, data processing and analyze. All of the methodologies are described in the following sub-headings:
1.Study Design
The study is conducted with Cross-sectional study.
2.Study Place
The study has been done through Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited Mirpur-10 branch and Mirpur area for information collection from mass people.
3.Study Period
About four month from January to April.
4. Study Population
Employees of one selected Banks that is Mirpur-10 branch in Dhaka and fifty mass people at Mirpur area.
5. Sample Size Determination
The sample size will determine by the following formula-
n0= Sampling population.
Z= Standard normal deviation that usually considered 1.96 in 95% confidence interval.
P= proportion of the target population with a particular character. Taken as 0.5 (50%).
q =1-p=0.5.
e=0.05 (error).
Calculated sample Size=385.
But due to limitation of time and the study also considers only one branch, religion, education qualification and the service experiences while conducting field work I consider Sample size 70.
6. Sampling Technique
6.1 Inclusion criteria
All adult male and female service holders and mass peoples as well as age consider more than 20 years.
6.2 Excluding criteria
Age less than 20 years.
Who have no idea in banking transaction?
Those who were unwilling to participate.
7. Data collection techniques
Data was collected face to face interview using semi structured Questionnaire. Before data collection, respondents were selected to exclusion criteria (age<20 years and who were unwilling to participate) then the purpose of the study was explained to the respondents and observation was done.
8. Data Processing and Analysis
After collection the data, all data was checked, edited, process by SPSS program of computer. Different tables, graphs as required were prepared from the statistical analysis was made to investigate the relationship of the variables.
9. Ethical consideration
Ethical guidance’s of ethical committee of ASA University was followed throughout the study.
Informed written consent was taken from every respondent after full explanation of the nature and purpose of the study.
Personal information will be kept confidential.
Scientific objectivity was maintained.
Information obtained during the research work will not be used for any other purposes except research.
Research findings were presented honestly without distortions.
Voluntary participation.
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