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// pointers to structures
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
struct movies_t {
string title;
int year;
int main ()
string mystr;
movies_t amovie;
movies_t * pmovie;
pmovie = &amovie;
cout << "Enter title: ";
getline (cin, pmovie->title);
cout << "Enter year: ";
getline (cin, mystr);
(stringstream) mystr >> pmovie->year;
cout << "
You have entered:
cout << pmovie->title;
cout << " (" << pmovie->year << ")
return 0;

Comments 5

can anyone please explain me line number 17, 19 and 20
line 17 taking a line input to the instance variable amovie->title  by conjunction with getline() and cin core object
17 and 19 is almost same. here mystr is string variable in main function
assigning mystr's value to pmovie->year with casting by (stringstream)
thnx Smaile
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Arshiful Islam Shadman
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