Practical project proposal for Hotel Reservation and Information System Round-20, IDB-BISEW, (WPSI)
Outline for System Proposal of Hotel Reservation and Information System
Preparing by
Md. Amanul Islam
Web presence solution and implementation (WPSI)
Submitted to: Consultant of IDB-BISEW Project.
Proposal for Hotel reservation using PHP, MYSQL, JAVASCRIPT, HTML, CSS
APCL, Asia pacific Dhanmondi-15, Dhaka
Date: June 2014
Dear Consultant,
According to the design of the course, I have to make a real life project. In this respect, I have chosen to make a project on “Hotel Reservation & Management system”. Now I am going to prepare a project proposal about project. The proposal sets forth a description of the objectives and scope of the assignment, along with a detailed description of the methodology to be employed, an estimate of the time requirements.
Additionally, for your conveniences I have enclosed a copy of the confirmation letter detailing this proposal. If the proposal meets your acceptance please sign and accept my proposal. If you have any questions regarding the contents of the proposal, please feel free to ask. I look forward to working that I will carefully finish this project on this assignment.
The Hotel Reservation system will provide service to on-line customer, employee, and an administration. Online customers can make searches, reservations and cancel an existing reservation on the hotel reservation’s web site. Administrator can add/update the hotel and the room information approve/disapprove a new employee account application and generate a monthly occupants rate report for each hotel.
1.Table of Contents
Overview of Hotel Reservation System
Features of the HRIS
Phases for Project Development
i)Problem Analysis
ii)Feasibility Study
iii)Project Analysis
iv)Project Design
v)Project Coding
vi)Testing Code
Special requirements Limitations what are the requirements that we need?
Bangladesh is a growing tourist destination, there has been a good rise in the number of hotels and resorts in Bangladesh and the tourist sector is broadening thus I have chosen this sector to do my project and I am making Hotel Reservation System. The rapid development and commercialization of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for the travel and tourism industry has prompted hotels and other enterprises in this sector to increasingly adopt these technologies. The ICT based products and processes help the hotels to enhance the operating efficiency, improve the service experience as well as provide a means to access markets on a global basis. ICTs were used in the hotel industry from the late seventies in the form of Computerized Reservation systems and Global distribution systems.
3.Overview of Hotel Reservation System
Hotel Reservation System has all the dynamic versatile features required to run hotels, motels and guest house business. Hotel Reservation System offers an operational integration between reservations, guest history, reception/ front desk, Sales Ledger, Accounting and Reporting modules. Software has facility to generate report for analyzes your booking, checking and checkout status.
Hotel Reservation System is the best suit for managing you resource in very simple but effective manner with minimal efforts or time so that it increases your revenue. Hotel Reservation System helps you to manage small to medium size boutique, hotels, Inns, cottages, Bed, campgrounds and cabins and Breakfasts. Hotel management or booking system is design to help you manage your booking and use the gathered data in reports to help analyze your marketing and financial results. Hotel Booking software is a complete software suite consisting of integrated modules for various aspects of hotel management.
4.Main Features:
• Save the client’s information into the database prior to Booking or Check in.
• Customize the type of Hotel rooms with prices.
• Booking for the customer for specific date with advance payment.
• Check in into the hotel for the duration.
• Checkout from the hotel after payment operation.
• Each time make a reservation, room status is updated and the customer details are added to your hotel database.
• Better option for expensive CRM.
• This system can be used by all of the hotels.
• This project is web-based and is using PHP and Mysql with other web technology.
5.Following sites are providing the online hotel booking system.
In Bangladesh there are more than 10000 hotels which are gaining their international customers but online booking system is implemented by some renowned hotels only so the hotel reservation system is one of the projects that will be required in the Bangladeshi tourist.
sector so I have chosen it:
Google Maps are also not in use and I am implementing it which will help the customer to find out the location of hotel.
Customer Relationship Management is also established and I am maintaining it which will help to find out customer repository.
Feasibility Study:
There are many problems with the existing hotel reservation system in Bangladesh and the problems are stated in the problem analysis. It is economically feasible as I am making this for the partial fulfillment of the BCIS program and is operationally feasible as I am making this system by removing the threats and weaknesses of existing systems as well as it is technologically feasible as I am using open source coding with the use of PHP and MySql.
Project Analysis:
In Project Analysis we collect data from different documents, manual and sites for the collection of the data we have interviewed different online booking uses as well as the owners of the hotel.
Project Design
Account Manager
Administrators – Administrator can add / edit and manage administrator accounts.
Hotels Manager
Hotels – Administrator can manage hotels that will appear on the site with the hotel name, description, address, phone and fax.
Room Types – Administrator can define the type of rooms in the hotels, rooms’ prices and upload an image for each room.
Hotel Rooms – For each hotel the administrator can define the rooms available, room’s number, max occupants and remarks on the specific room.
Bookings Manager
Bookings – All bookings and reservations maid on the site are displayed with all booking details: arrival date, departure date, hotel name, room type, number of passengers, price…
Available Rooms – Administrator can also search for room availability from the administrator’s panel and does not have to go on the site in order to look for hotels.
Bookings History – Administrators can view all bookings ever made on the site.
Bookings Statistics – Administrator can view statistics of booking on bar charts that show the difference in bookings according to months.
Languages – Define the languages that will be viewed on the site with the language code.
Constants – For each language the administrator can define the wording.
Panel Settings – Here the administrator can define the basic site name and header.
Menu Manager – Here the site administrator can rearrange the menu bar with the sub pages of the administrator panel.
Site Settings – Here the administrator can define if to use pay pal on the site and if yes then what will be the pay-pal email address used, the administrator can also define the administrator email address where all reservation emails will be sent to.
Static Pages – Here the administrator can edit the content of the static pages on the site for each language: Area Information Page, Rooms Page…
8.Project Coding
With the use of programming languages the system design is implemented to make the HRIS
Project Testing
The code that we will use will be tested and errors are debugged
Project Development Milestones:
The milestones of my project are as follows:
Work Plan
Start Date
End Date
Total days
Problem analysis
Feasibility study
Project analysis specification
Project design
Project Coding
Project Testing
Systems implementation
10.Special requirements
Tools and techniques Name
HTML editor Macromedia Dreamweaver
Flash Dreamweaver Flash
Programming languages PHP, Mysql, Javascript, Paypal Code, Jquery, Ajax, Smarty tempalting, HTML, XML, DHML, Style Sheets (CSS)
Guidance Hotel reservation system of other sites
Web Server Apache
Periodically Changing the Hotel E-business Strategies
Hardware and Software errors may occur
Hacking and cracking may occurs
Credit card scams may occur
12.What are the requirements that I need?
Reservation system.
Basic knowledge about Search Engine Optimization and other marketing strategies.
How PayPal Transactions works or the implementation of sandbox.
Knowledge about the JavaScript, Ajax, Jquery and flash.
Embedded code generation.
Knowledge about the other reservation system and tourism sector.
I have read the Project Handbook and I will abide by its contents
Md. Amanul Islam
Student ID No: 1154490
Project Supervisor & Coordinator
Mohammad Towhidul Islam
Comments 2