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IDB-BISEW CodeIgniter Descriptive Questions

IDB-BISEW 1. Write down CodeIgniter features? 2. What is the function of MVC (Model,View, Controller) in CodeIgniter? 3. Why we use _remap() ? 4.What is the difference between helper and plugin? How can you loadmultiple helper? 5. What do you mean by web service?How many ways we build webservice? 6. What is bottlenecks and what are the types of bottlenecks? 7. How does security can be provided in CodeIgniter? 8. What are stored in a session when you use session class? 9. What is the purpose of Flash data? 10. Define unit testing with code. 11.What are the functions of strip_image_tags and encode_php_tags prepping rules? 12.What is callback function? 13.What are the functions of num_rows() and num_fields()? 14.What is the purpose of active record caching? 15.Write the lines of code to create and drop a database using database forge. 16.What are the three different parts of the codeIgniter? 17. What is a library? 18. Write the functions of Email class.

Comments 4

sir, codeIgniter er bangla details kothai?
how to use/learn codeIgniter?
The user guide is the best chioce to learn codeigniter, it can also be found in the downloaded package
thank you very much.
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