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ইংরেজি সাহিত্যের বিভিন্ন শাখা-প্রশাখার পথ-প্রদর্শকগণ

1) Father of the English Language: Geoffrey Chaucer (জিওফ্রে চসার) 2) Father of English Literature: Geoffrey Chaucer 3) Father of Modern English Poetry: Geoffrey Chaucer 4) Father of English Dramatic Poetry/ Blank Verse: Christopher Marlowe 6) Father of English Drama: Christopher Marlowe ‪#‎তবে‬ Father of Modern Drama: Henrik Ibsen (Norwegian playwright) 7) Father of English Tragedy: Christopher Marlowe (মতান্তরে Thomas Norton and Thomas Sackville) 8) Father of English Comedy: Nicholas Udall 9) Father of English Essay (প্রবন্ধ): Francis Bacon (তবে Anglo Saxon Period এর King Alfred The Great কে Founder of English Prose বলা হয়। তিনি লিখেছেন The Anglo Saxon Chronicle) 10) Father of English Fairy Tale: H. Christian Underson 11) Father of English Sonnet: Sir Thomas Wyatt (তবে, ইতালীয় কবি Petrarch হলেন father of sonnet) 12) Father of English Criticism: John Dryden (1631 – 1700) 13) Father of English Novel: Henry Fielding (1659 – 1731) 14) Father of English Stream of Conscious Novel: James Joyce (1882 – 1941) 15) Father of English One Act Play: Samuel Johnson (1709 – 1784) 16) Father of English Romanticism: William Wordsworth (1770 – 1850) & Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772 – 1834) 17) Father of English Grammar: Lindley Murray (1745 – 1826) 18) Father of English Realistic Comedy: Ben Jonson 19) Father of English Short Story: Edgar Allen Poe 20) Father of English Dictionary/ First Lexicographer (অভিধানপ্রণেতা) in English: Dr. Samuel Jonson 21) Father of Modern English Literature: George Bernard Shaw 22) Poet of poets : Edmund Spenser

Comments 1

a factual information about the father of different branches of English Literature that is really super excellent.....
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