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Regular Expression Cheat Sheet

regular expression
Meta-characters Description
Matches only at the beginning of the string.

Matches a word boundary.
Matches anything but a word boundary.
Matches a digit character. This is the same as [0-9].
Matches a non-digit character.
Matches a white-space character.
Matches a nonwhite-space character.
[ ]
Encloses a character range
( )
Encloses a character grouping or defines a back reference.
Matches the end of the line.
Matches the beginning of the line.
Matches any character except for the newline
Quotes the next meta-character.
Matches any string containing solely underscore and alphanumeric characters. This is the same as [a-zA-Z0-9_]
Matches a string, omitting the underscore and alphanumeric characters.
Matches any string except some special symbol and white space character.
Quantifiers Description
Matches at least one character.
Matches zero or more characters.
Matches only zero or one character
Matches exactly m number of characters.
Matches ranging from m to unlimited number of characters.
Matches ranging m to n number of characters.
Modifiers Description
Perform a case-insensitive search.
Find all occurrences (perform a global search).
Treat a string as (m for multiple) several lines.
Treat a string as a single line, ignoring any newline characters found within; this accomplishes just the opposite of the m modifier.
Ignore white space and comments within the regular expression.
Stop at the first match. Matches the pattern as many times as possible rather than just stop at the first match.
Predefined Character Ranges Description
Lowercase and uppercase alphabetical characters. This can also be specified as [A-Za-z].
Lowercase and uppercase alphabetical characters and numberical digits. This can also be specified as [A-Za-z0-9].
Control characters such as tab,escape, or backspace.
Numerical digits 0 through 9. This can also be specified as [0-9].
Printable characters found in the range of ASCII 33 to 126.
Lowercase alphabetical characters. This can also be specified as [a-z].
Punctuation characters, including ~ ` ! @ # $ % & * ( ) - _ + = { } [ ] : ; ' < > , . ? and /.
Uppercase alphabetical characters. This can also be specified as [a-z].
White-space characters, including the space, horizontal tab, vertical tab, new line, form feed, aor carriage return.
Hexadecimal characters, This can also be specified as [a-fA-F0-9].

Some of useful regular expression

Regular Expression for web developer

Comments 5

thanks sir..
Thumbs up
very effective article, thanks sir..
thanks sir
Great! Thumbs up
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