One word substitution/ compression
A person 70 to 79 years old -Septuagenarian
Practice of borrowing ideas and words from others and using them as his own - Plagiarism
Words different in meaning but similar in sound – Homonym
A person who is skilled in horsemanship – Equestrian
That which makes it difficult to recognize the presence of real nature of somebody or something – Camouflage
A place where birds are kept – Aviary
Scientific study of the structure of substances – Chemistry
A person who believes easily -Credulous
An instrument for measuring heights – Altimeter
The place where bricks are baked – Kiln
The branch of medical science which deals with the diseases of children – Pediatric
A specialist in eye diseases – Oculist/ Ophthalmologist
A stage of long-sightedness – Hypermetropia
A doctor who treats the diseases of bones – Orthopedist.
A state where all religions are respected – Secular
A government by the novels – Aristocracy
A government by the rich – Plutocracy
The passage between the seats in a church -Aisle
The platform in a temple where idols are kept – Altar
A government of a few – Oligarchy
To use dirty language against God or Religion – Blaspheme
A government by a king – Monarchy
The act of killing of the people -Genocide.
Rising from the dead – Resurrection
Murder of human being – Homicide
A holy book – Scripture
Underground caves with burying places for the dead- Catacombs
Revolt against a lawful authority -Mutiny.
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