Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    27-Apr-13 12:11:56 am

    Null a term meaning nothing does not mean blank space nor

    Null: Null, a term meaning "nothing". Null does not mean blank space, nor does it mean zero; it means no value, nothing. In PHP , a value is considered to be null if: -> It has no been set to any predefined value. -> It has bee specifically assigned the value Null. -> It has been...

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    Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    27-Apr-13 12:06:13 am

    Resource php is often used to interact with some external data source

    Resource: PHP is often used to interact with some external data source: databases, files, and network streams all come to mind. These external data is called resources. example: $resource=fopen("/home/jason/kooks.txt","r"); // here $resource is an resource variable...

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    Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    26-Apr-13 11:59:44 pm

    Object the other compound datatype supported by php is the object

    Object: The other compound datatype supported by PHP is the object. The object is a central concept of the object-oriented programming paradigm. <?php // here is object class name Book // class Book{ private $id; private $title; private $author; private $price; } //here i cre...

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    Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    26-Apr-13 11:52:20 pm

    Array its often useful to aggregate a series of similar items together

    Array: It's often useful to aggregate a series of similar items together, arranging and referencing them in some specific way. These data structures, known as arrays, are formally defined as an indexed collection of data values. Each member of the array index (also known as the key) references ...

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    Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    26-Apr-13 11:43:34 pm

    Compound datatypes datatypes allow for multiple items of the same types to

    Compound Datatypes: Compound datatypes allow for multiple items of the same types to be aggregated under a single representative entity. The array and the object fall into this category....

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    Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    26-Apr-13 11:29:59 pm

    String simply put a string is sequence of characters treated as

    String: Simply put, a string is a sequence of characters treated as a contiguous group. Such groups are typically delimited by single or double quotes. Example: "Whoop-de-do" 'subway ' "343$%^789"...

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    Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    26-Apr-13 11:24:10 pm

    Float floating point numbers also referred to as floats doubles or

    Float: Floating-point numbers, also referred to as floats, doubles, or real numbers, allow you to specify numbers that contain fractional parts. PHP's floats can be specified in a variety of ways, each of which is exemplified here: 4.3454 4.0 3.4e4 1.34E+11...

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    Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    26-Apr-13 11:20:53 pm

    Integer an integer is quite simply a whole number or one

    Integer: An integer is quite simply a whole number, or one that does not contain fractional parts. Decimal(base 10), octal (base 8), and hexadecimal (base 16) numbers all fall under this category. Example: 42 -345544 0733 0xC4E...

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    Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    26-Apr-13 08:43:44 pm

    Boolean a boolean variable represent truth supporting only two values true

    Boolean: A boolean variable represent truth, supporting only two values: TRUE/true or FALSE/false. Alternatively, you can use 0 (zero) to represent FALSE, and any nonzero value to represent TRUE. example: $alive=false; echo $alive; // output false $alive=1; echo $alive; //output true $alive=-...

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    Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    26-Apr-13 12:04:44 pm

    Datatype in php 1 scalar datatypes a boolean b integer c

    Datatype in PHP: 1. Scalar datatypes a. boolean b. integer c. float d. string 2. Compound Datatypes: a. Array b. Object 3. Special Datatypes: a. Resource b. NULL...

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