1. Question: Certkiller.com has been contracted to develop an application for the local bank. You have
    been given the responsibility of creating this application and need to store each transaction record, which
    is identified using a complex transaction identifier, in memory. The bank informs you that the total amount
    of transaction records could reach 200 per day. To achieve this, you decide to utilize one of the existing
    collection classes in the .NET 2.0 class library.
    You need to ensure that you the collection class you select is the most efficient one for storing transaction
    What should you do? -(VB.NET)

    Select the ListDictionary collection class.

    Select the HashTable collection class.

    Select the Queue collection class.

    Select the StringCollection collection class.

    Note: Not available
    1. Report
  2. Question: Certkiller .com has been hired by a small local private school to develop a class library
    that will be used in an application named ManageAttendance for the purpose of managing student
    records. You are responsible for developing this class library. Certkiller .com has instructed you to create
    a collection in the application to store learners' results. The school has informed you that they currently
    only have seven learners, but that this value will triple in the following year. Due to the limited resources,
    you need to ensure that the collection you create consumes a minimum amount of resources.
    What should you use to create the collection? -(VB.NET)

    he HybridDictionary collection class.

    he HashTable collection class.

    he ListDictionary collection class.

    he StringCollection collection class.

    Note: Not available
    1. Report
  3. Question: You work as an application developer at Certkiller .com. Certkiller .com wants you to
    develop an application that stores and retrieves client information by means of a unique account number.
    You create a custom collection class, which implements the IDictionary interface, named ClientDictionary.
    The following code have been included into the new application.
    'Create Client objects
    Dim c1 As New Client("AReid", "Andy Reid", Status.Current)
    Dim c2 As New Client("DAustin", "Dean Austin", Status.[New])
    'Create ClientDictionary object
    Dim cData As IDictionary = New ClientDictionary()
    cData.Add("10001", c1)
    cData.Add("10002", c2)
    You use the same method to add other Client objects to the collection. You need to ensure that you are
    able to retrieve client information associated with the account number 10111.
    What should you do? -(VB.NET)

    se the following code
    Dim foundClient As Client
    foundClient = DirectCast(cData.Find("10111"), Client)

    Use the following code:
    Dim foundClient As Client
    If cData.Contains("10111") Then
    foundClient = cData("10111")
    End If

    Use the following code:
    Dim foundClient As Client
    If cData.Contains("10111") Then
    foundClient = DirectCast(cData("10111"), Client)
    End If

    Use the following code:
    Dim foundClient As Client
    For Each key As String In cData.Keys
    If key = "10111" Then
    foundClient = DirectCast(cData.Values("10111"), Client)
    End If

    Note: Not available
    1. Report
  4. Question: Certkiller.com has instructed you to create a class named MetricFormula.
    This class will be used to compare MetricUnit and EnglishUnit objects. The MetricFormula is currently
    defined as follows (Line numbers are used for reference purposes only):
    1. public class MetricFormula
    2. {
    4. }
    You need to ensure that the MetricFormula class can be used to compare the required objects. What
    should you do? (Choose two) -(VB.NET)

    Add the following code on line 2:
    Inherits Icomparable

    Add the following code on line 2:
    Inherits IComparer

    Add the following code on line 3:
    Public Function Compare(x As Object, y As Object) As Integer
    ' implementation code
    End Function

    Add the following code on line 3:
    Public Function CompareTo(obj As Object) As Integer
    ' implementation code
    End Function

    Note: Not available
    1. Report
  5. Question: You are developing an application that makes use of a Queue class object named
    MyQueue. This Queue class object will be used to store messages sent by the user during application run
    time. The application that you are developing provides an interface for administrators and an interface for
    users to create message reports. You want to ensure that all user messages stored in the MyQueue
    object are removed when an administrator selects the reset option. What should you do? -(VB.NET)

    Use the Enqueue method of the MyQueue object.

    Use the Clear method of the MyQueue object.

    Use the Dequeue method of the MyQueue object.

    Use the TrimToSize method of the MyQueue object.

    Note: Not available
    1. Report
  6. Question: You are developing an application that will store user messages collectively and the
    process the messages in sequence. The order in which the messages are processed will depend on the
    order in which it is received. To add messages to the collection, users will specify the message that
    should be stored in a TextBox control named txtMsg and then click a Button control named btnAdd. You
    need to ensure that the appropriate code is used to create the collection. What should you use? (Choose
    two) -(VB.NET)

    Dim msgCollection As New Queue()

    Dim msgCollection As New Stack()



    Note: Not available
    1. Report
  7. Question: You are developing an application that makes use of a Queue class object named
    MyQueue. This Queue class object will be used to store messages sent by the user during application
    run time. You would like to access the message at the beginning of the queue, prior to processing the
    user messages, without removing it. What should you do? -(VB.NET)

    Use the Enqueue method of the MyQueue object.

    Use the Contains method of the MyQueue object.

    Use the Dequeue method of the MyQueue object.

    Use the Peek method of the MyQueue object.

    Note: Not available
    1. Report
  8. Question: Certkiller .com wants you to develop an application that stores and retrieves employee
    information by means of a unique staff number.
    You create a custom collection class, which implements the type-safe IDictionary interface. This collection
    class is named EmployeeCollection, and is defined using the following code.
    Public Class EmployeeCollection
    Implements IDictionary(Of Integer, Employee)
    ' Implementation code
    End Class             -(VB.NET)

    Use the following code:
    Dim e1 As Employee, e2 As Employee
    e1 = New Employee(1001, "Andy Reid", "Manager")
    e2 = New Employee(1002, "Kara Lang", "Sales Engineer")
    Dim eData As New EmployeeCollection()
    eData.Add(New KeyValuePair(Of String, Employee)(e1.ID, e1))
    eData.Add(New KeyValuePair(Of String, Employee)(e2.ID, e2))

    Use the following code:
    Dim e1 As Employee, e2 As Employee
    e1 = New Employee(1001, "Andy Reid", "Manager")
    e2 = New Employee(1002, "Kara Lang", "Sales Engineer")
    Dim eData As New EmployeeCollection()
    eData.Add(DirectCast(e1.ID, String), e1)
    eData.Add(DirectCast(e2.ID, String), e2)

    Use the following code:
    Dim e1 As Employee, e2 As Employee
    e1 = New Employee(1001, "Andy Reid", "Manager")
    e2 = New Employee(1002, "Kara Lang", "Sales Engineer")
    Dim eData As New EmployeeCollection()
    eData.Add(e1.ID, e1)
    eData.Add(e2.ID, e2)

    Use the following code:
    Dim e1 As Employee, e2 As Employee
    e1 = New Employee(1001, "Andy Reid", "Manager")
    e2 = New Employee(1002, "Kara Lang", "Sales Engineer")
    Dim eData As New EmployeeCollection()
    eData.Add(New KeyValuePair(e1.ID, e1))
    eData.Add(New KeyValuePair(e2.ID, e2))

    Note: Not available
    1. Report
  9. Question: You work as an application developer at Certkiller .com. Certkiller .com wants you to
    develop an application that stores and retrieves staff information by means of a unique staff number. You
    have already written the following code for the purpose of storing Employee objects.
    Dim e1 As New Employee(1001, "Andy Reid", "Manager")
    Dim e2 As New Employee(1002, "Kara Lang", "Sales Engineer")
    Dim eData As New Dictionary(Of Integer, Employee)()
    eData.Add(e1.ID, e1)
    eData.Add(e2.ID, e2)
    All other Employee objects have been added in the same way. You are required to display all key/value
    pairs within the Dictionary collection. What should you do? -(VB.NET)

    Use the following code:
    For Each keyPair As KeyValuePair(Of Integer, Employee) In eData
    Console.WriteLine("{0} key : {1} value", keyPair.Key, keyPair.Value)

    Use the following code:
    For Each key__1 As String In eData.Keys
    Console.WriteLine("{0} key : {1} value", Key, DirectCast(eData(key__1), Employee))

    Use the following code:
    For Each keyPair As KeyValuePair In eData
    Console.WriteLine("{0} key : {1} value", keyPair.Key, keyPair.Value)

    Use the following code:
    For Each value As Object In eData.Values
    Console.WriteLine("{0} key : {1} value", eData(value), value)

    Note: Not available
    1. Report
  10. Question: You work as an application developer at Certkiller .com. Certkiller .com wants you to
    develop an application that handles passes for Certkiller .com's parking lot. The application has to store
    and retrieve vehicle information using a vehicle identification number (VIN).
    You need to use the correct code to ensure type-safety.
    What should you do? -(VB.NET)

    Use the following code:
    Dim v1 As Vehicle, v2 As Vehicle
    v1 = New Vehicle("1M2567871Y91234574", "Nissan Silvia", 1996)
    v2 = New Vehicle("1F2569122491234574", "Mitsubishi Lancer", 2005)
    Dim vList As New ArrayList()

    Use the following code:
    Dim v1 As Vehicle, v2 As Vehicle
    v1 = New Vehicle("1M2567871Y91234574", "Nissan Silvia", 1996)
    v2 = New Vehicle("1F2569122491234574", "Mitsubishi Lancer", 2005)
    Dim vList As New SortedList(Of String, Vehicle)()
    vList.Add(v1.VIN, v1)
    vList.Add(v2.VIN, v2)

    Use the following code:
    Dim v1 As Vehicle, v2 As Vehicle
    v1 = New Vehicle("1M2567871Y91234574", "Nissan Silvia", 1996)
    v2 = New Vehicle("1F2569122491234574", "Mitsubishi Lancer", 2005)
    Dim vList As New List()

    Use the following code:
    Dim v1 As Vehicle, v2 As Vehicle
    v1 = New Vehicle("1M2567871Y91234574", "Nissan Silvia", 1996)
    v2 = New Vehicle("1F2569122491234574", "Mitsubishi Lancer", 2005)
    Dim vList As New SortedList()
    vList.Add(v1.VIN, v1)
    vList.Add(v2.VIN, v2)

    Note: Not available
    1. Report
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