1. Question:What is the different between “operating system” & “Application software”? 

    Operating system: operating system works closely with the hardware that we have in-stalled within our computer. If interprets input via the mouse or keyboard & output data to the screen. Ex. LINUX, UNIX, WINDOWS XP.

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  2. Question:What does ‘data protection & privacy issues’ mean? 

    It means that individual’s information should be sensitive and private. The information should not be abused. This right is ensured under data protection law. The information about individuals has to be treated with respect.

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  3. Question:What do you know about password policy? 

    It is important to choose a password which cannot be easily guessed by other people. Some important policies are
    - Password should be eight characters
    - Mixture of word & character
    - never share our password
    - should be changing our password after specific time

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  4. Question:What dose ‘Drag & Drop’ mean? 

    The concept of selecting an item and then moving it while keeping the mouse button pressed is often called ‘dragging’ or ‘Drag and drop’. It is called because we drag an item from the old location, and drop it at the new location.

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  5. Question:How can you customize your Desktop? 

    We can customize our desktop from start->control panel->personalization. We can select wallpaper, resolution, screen server etc.

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