1. Question:Prove that the calendar for 1995 will for 2009. 

    In order that the calendar for 1995 and 2006 be the same, 
    1st January of both the years must be on the same days week.
    For this, the total number of odd days between 3 1st Dec, 1994 
    and 31 st Dec, 2005  must be zero.
    We know that an ordinary year has 1 odd day and a leap year has 2 odd days. 
    During this period there are 3 leap years, namely  1996 , 2000 and 2004 and 8 
    ordinary years. 
    :. Total number of odd days during this period (6 + 8) + 14 = 0
    i.e. 0 odd day.
    Hence, the calendar for 1995 will serve for 2006.

    1. Report
  2. Question:Prove that any date in March is the same day of the week as the corresponding date in November of that year. 

    In order to prove the required result, we have to show that the number of odd days between last day of February and last day of October is Zero.
    Number of days between these dates are.
    March    April     May     June   July     Aug     Sep     Oct
    31      +   30   +   31  +  30  +  31  + 31  +   30   +   31
    `= 241 days = 35 weeks 
    :. Number of odd days during this period = 0.
    Hence, the result follows.

    1. Report
  3. Question:At what time between 2 and 3 o'clock will hands of a clock together ? 

    At 2 o'clock, the hour hand is it 2 and the minute hand is at 12, i,e they are 10 min spaces apart.
    To be together the minute hand must gain 10 minutes over the hour hand.
    Now, 35 minutes are gained by it in 60 min.
    :. 10 minutes will be gained in` (60/55 xx 10)`
    :. The hands will coincide at `10 10/11` min past 2.

    1. Report
  4. Question:At what time between 4 and 5 o'clock will the hands of a clock be at right angle ? 

    At 4 o'clock the minute hand will be 20 min.spaces behind the hour hand.
    Now, when the two hands are at right angles, they are 15 min. spaces apart.
    So they are at right angles in following two cases.

    1. Report
  5. Question:Find at what time between 8 and 9 o'clock will the hands of a clock be in the same straight line but not together. 

    At 8 o'clock the hour hand is at 8 and the minute hand is at 12 i,e. the two hands are 20 min. spaces apart.
    To be in the same straight line but not together they will be 30 minute spaces apart.
    So, the minute hand will have to gain (30 - 20) = 10 minute spaces over the hour hand.
    55 minute spaces are gained in 60 min.
    10 minute spaces will be gained in` (60/55 xx 10)` min` = 10 10/11`
    :. The hands will be in the same straight line but not together at
    `10 10/11` min. part 8.

    1. Report
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