1. Question:How many ways you can define list in HTML page? 


    We can define html list in three ways, they are :
    A.    Definition list (dl)
    B.    Ordered list (ol)
    C.    Unordered list (ul)

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  2. Question:What are the differences between link and anchor element. 

    – The link element defines a link between the current document and another resource, but in a much different way then the element. There are two cases for using link:
    To link to a resource that affects the current view, such as a style sheet or favicon.
    To link to a resource that doesn’t affect the page but that is related to it.

    Anchor – The anchor element is essential to the web providing the means to create a hyperlink to another page or serve as an anchor with in a page to which a hyperlink points.

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  3. Question:How does del and ins elements are related with each other? 


    del: The <del> tag defines a text that has been deleted from a document. Browsers will normally strike a line through deleted text.
    example: text

    ins: The <ins> tag defines a text that has been inserted into a document. Browsers will normally underline inserted text.
    example: text

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  4. Question:What are the purposes usemap attribute of <img> tag? 

    "usemap" attribute is used to map image associated with image tag. It's value followed by # sign. Other associated tag <map> is used to incorporate with usemap attribute value. 


    <img src="pic.jpg" usemap="#map_image" />
    <map name="map_image">
       <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,100,100" />

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  5. Question:What is the benefit of using map tag? 


    An image map specifies one or more regions with in a single image, typically for the purposes of linking it to another page or resource. The map element contains the area elements that define the linked regions.

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