1. Question:

    What are class and object?



    Class:Classes are intended to represent those real-life items that coder like to manipulate within an application.

    object: An instance of class is called object.

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  2. Question:What is the meaning of a final class and a final method? 

    Final keywords indicates that the class or method cannot be extended.

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  3. Question:How many ways you can write into a file?


    We can write a file using the following method and modes:

    Method: fwrite() with fopen() and write mode, file_put_contents(),fputcsv(),fputs(),fputc().

    Modes: r+, W, w+,A,a+,X,x+.

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  4. Question:What is property overloading? 

    Property overloading continues to protect properties by forcing access and manipulation through public methods, yet allowing the data to be accessed as if it were a public property.

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  5. Question:What is the functionality of the function strstr and stristr?


    Strstr(): The strstr() function returns the remainder of a string beginning with the first occurrence of a predefined string.

    Stristr():The strstr() function returns the remainder of a string beginning with the first occurrence of a predefined string ignoring case-sensitivity.

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