1. Question:Define exceptions?


    Programming, like the real world, often involves unforeseen happenings that disrupt the flow of events. In programmer’s lingo, these unexpected happenings are known as exceptions.

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  2. Question:How many ways you can read a file?

    We can read a file by using the following file modes :
               R, r+, w+, a+.

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  3. Question:What are the types of key of array? 


    There are two types of key of array. It can be numerical And associative.

    Numerical :It stores each array element with numeric index name.

    associative : It contains characteristic element or string index name.

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  4. Question:What is regular expression?


    Regular expressions provide the foundation for describing or matching data according to defined syntax rules. A regular expression is nothing more than a pattern of characters itself, matched against a certain parcel of text.

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  5. Question:How many ways you can read a file?


    We can read a file using the following methods and  modes:

    Methods: file(), file_get_contents(), fgetcsv(), fgets(), fgetss(), fgetc(), fread(), readfile(), fscanf().

    Modes: R, r+, w+, a+, x+.

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