1. Question:

    What type of inheritance that PHP supports?



    PHP generally supports single type of inheritance.Allthough All inheritance are supported but multiple not supported and replace by inheritance used in PHP5.

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  2. Question:Difference between array_merge() and array_slice()?



    The array_merge() function merges arrays together, returning a single, unified array.

    Array_slice(): The array_slice() function returns a section of an array based on a starting and ending offset value.

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  3. Question:What are class and object? 

    Class: Classes are intended to represent those real-life items that coder like to manipulate within an application.

    Object: A class provides a basis from which you can create specific instances of the entity the class models, better known as object.That means, an instance of class is called object . Such as $employee = new Employee();

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  4. Question:How to initiate a session in PHP? 

    The use of the function session_start() lets us activating a session.

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  5. Question:Are Parent constructors called implicitly inside a class constructor? 

    No, a parent constructor have to be called explicitly as follows:

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