Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    16-Feb-16 06:57:20 pm

    Create your own guessing game in JavaScript

    <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Guessing Game</title> <script> function startGame(){ i=1; computer=Math.floor(Math.random()*100); score=1000; while(true){ player=parseInt(prompt("Enter your num...

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    Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    10-Feb-16 08:54:49 am

    Loop examples in JavaScript

    INDEX 1. Print numbers from 1 to 50 2. Print numbers from 50 to 1 3. Print odd numbers from 1 to 20 4. Print even numbers from 1 to 20 5. Print numbers between 10 to 20 6. Print numbers between 10 to 20 except 13 and 17 7. Print numbers between 1 to 20 which are divisible by...

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    Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    07-Feb-16 10:50:41 am

    JavaScript library functions

    Input and Output functions

    IO Methods from BOM:

    Input method window.prompt() Output method window.alert() example: <script> var number=window.prompt("Enter a number:"); alert(number); </script>

    IO Methods from DOM:

    input: var data=do...

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    Md. Farid

    02-Jan-16 05:14:29 pm

    Sorting three numbers in javaScript (Descending order)

    <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html lang="en-US"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> </head> <body> <script> var a=prompt("First number"); var b=prompt("Second number"); var c=prompt("Third...

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    Hafizur Rahamn

    06-Dec-15 11:31:05 pm

    Tic Tac Tao games. Banglay bola hoy katagolla.

    <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> td { border:2px solid green; width:80px; height:80px; text-align:center; font-size:60px; font-weight:bold; color:red; } </style> <script> function startGame(){ document.turn = ...

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    Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    03-Nov-15 11:10:45 am

    Regular Expression Cheat Sheet

    Meta-characters Description A Matches only at the beginning of the string.  Matches a word boundary. B Matches anything but a word boundary. ...

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    Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    22-Aug-15 04:43:55 pm

    Check user availability by AJAX application

    user.sql create table user( id int(10) primary key auto_increment, username varchar(20) unique not null, password varchar(30) ); insert into user(username,password)values('rahim','11111'); insert into user(username,password)values('karim','22222'); in...

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    Zinia Islam

    30-Jul-15 08:36:09 pm

    Formal Parameter vs Actual Parameter

    Formal Parameter From the called function, Parameter is called Formal Parameter . These are written inside of parenthesis at the time of function definition. কল্ড ফাংশন এ Parameter কে Formal Paramter বলা হয়। আমাদের নিচের উদাহরনে, function calculate হল Called function, যেহেতু এই ফাংশন, function ...

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    Rahim Afsar

    14-May-15 10:22:33 pm

    Need a help to sbumit button

    I want to how to submit a from 100 ml second on a new windows that will start action for some times. So that I can send request to the server several times in a second. The function will start in a specific time. Pls Help me....

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    24-Apr-15 11:28:03 pm

    Quiz-1 : JavaScript Basic

    1. Which of the following is the correct syntex of "for" loop?

    A) for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++;){ } B) for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++){ } C) for i = 1 to 5 end for D) for (i <= 5; i++){ }

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